I made a simple blob object.
But the outline of an element in the blob object is missed.
The blob object's code is as follows;
#macro CalcRadius( Radius, BlendVal )
#local R_Body = 250;
#local R_Leg = 50;
#local Ratio_LegDist = 1.1;
#local A_Leg = 30; // degrees
#local LatitudeLeg = -70; // degrees
#local Blend = 0.2;
#local R_BodyBaseSphere = CalcRadius(R_Body, Blend);
#local R_LegBaseSphere = CalcRadius(R_Leg, Blend);
#debug concat("Body Radius = ", str(R_BodyBaseSphere, 0, 3), "\n")
#debug concat("Leg Radius = ", str(R_LegBaseSphere, 0, 3), "\n")
#local S_Body =
sphere{ 0, R_BodyBaseSphere, 1.0 } // <--- This element's
outline is missed !
sphere{ -Ratio_LegDist*R_Body*z, R_LegBaseSphere, 1.0 rotate
A_Leg*y rotate LatitudeLeg*x }
sphere{ -Ratio_LegDist*R_Body*z, R_LegBaseSphere, 1.0
rotate -A_Leg*y rotate LatitudeLeg*x }
threshold Blend
#local T_Body =
pigment{ color rgb 0.6 }
#if( on=Radiosity )
finish{ ambient 0.0 }
#local O_Body = object{ S_Body texture{ T_Body } }
What is happening?
Could anyone give me an advice?
Thanks in advance.
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Download 'a_blobobjectwithradiosity.jpg' (33 KB)
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